
Irish Lashes Productions serves to promote marginalized performers, including performers of color, LGBT performers, fat/plus-size performers, disabled performers, and “golden age” performers (50+). This is intended to happen with no intentional harm to other marginalized people, and without reward in the form of social justice cookies.

Expectations of Performers,

Crew, and Volunteers

  1. To prioritize consent, including but not limited to:

    1. Touching costumes and props without permission

    2. Touching other performers, crew, or audience members without permission

  2. To respect everyone’s sobriety, of both alcohol and cannabis (CBD & THC)

    1. This includes being mindful of personal intoxication (alcohol and THC) and how it impacts interpersonal interactions

  3. To refrain from any other recreational substances while on duty (call time to load-out)

  4. To arrive on time to call, and inform the Producer or Stage Manager of arrival times if there are delays

  5. To turn in tech notes and music when requested

    1. Performers who have a messy (glitter pour, food, liquids, etc) and fail to provide a tarp day of show may be cut from the lineup without compensation

    2. Performers requesting fog machines and strobe/flashing lights will need to declare so in their tech notes and in the Trigger Warning section so fellow performers and crew can be warned, and the host can adequately prepare audiences

  6. To perform the act booked, as it was described

    1. Minor changes (costume adjustments/choreography updates) are allowed, major changes (adding props, changing music, introduction of new Trigger Warning material) must be cleared with the producer

  7. To not bring or invite guests backstage without expressed permission by the Producer or Stage Manager

  8. To refrain from smoking or vaping backstage or in the theater, and to not bring any tobacco/cigarette or cannabis smells back from breaks

  9. To keep the production “scent-light”, meaning to refrain from using things in the greenroom such as (but not limited to):

    1. Scented perfume/lotion

    2. Hairspray

    3. Spirit gum

    4. Tobacco and cannabis as mentioned in #9

  10. To refrain from -phobias, -isms, and other form of oppression even outside of the performance space, including but not limited to: racism, colorism, homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, sexism, ablism, whorephobia, fatphobia

    1. Practical examples can include, but are not limited to:

      1. Use of reclaimed language that is not yours to reclaim (“tr-nny” when cis, “f-ggot” when straight, etc)

      2. Use of gendered language after requests for neutrality (“bro”, “dude”, “gurl”, etc)

      3. Calling out behaviors of Black and Brown people, but not white people who do the same behavior

      4. Repeated misgendering of individuals, even with correction

  11. To follow any additional clauses negotiated separately in contracts

  12. Failure to abide by the above may result in termination of the contract and refusal to hire for future productions

    1. Accidents happen, and we at Irish Lashes Productions love a good redemption story. Demonstrations of changed behavior and learning from mistakes may result in removal from any watch or ban list.

Expectations of the Producer

  1. To provide a safe environment to all performers, crew members, and audiences

  2. To act swiftly to correct behavior and inform people why their behavior is unacceptable

    1. Any corrective actions will occur as promptly as possible, no more than 1 week after learning of the incident

    2. If I am not available to receive reports at a show, the Stage Manager and Stage Hand are appropriate people to report misconduct to

    3. For behavior outside of shows or post-show reporting, I am available via email, Facebook, and if you see me in person

  3. To learn as well from my own mistakes, and bring others up when I learn new information on being a supportive ally to other marginalized people

    1. For example, I have edited posts to include trigger/content warnings, censor triggering images, and also pulled images upon learning it promotes oppression